Compressed Thoughts

A blog by Matthew Rease

person doing calculus homework


Obviously homework sucks, but why is it so hard to do?,

I think I can count all the times I did homework in high school, on one hand. It usually didn't affect me, though it certainly wasn't to my advantage...
Rodney Dangerfield looking kinda sad

Teachers Get No Respect

*Insert Rodney Dangerfield reference* - but seriously, the way some teachers get treated is absolutely despicable.,

As I ease into College life, and think back to the last 12 years of schooling, I notice something that I had already realized, but never really thought about. I've had many great teachers, I've had some bad ones sure, but 9 times out of 10, the teachers I had were at least good teachers and nice people. But apparently some people don't agree with that sentiment.