Compressed Thoughts

A blog by Matthew Rease

The Qwik Group's public LinkedIn profile.

Un-professionals, Vol. 1

Or, how not to handle unexpected issues coming up, during the hiring process.,

The story of my first truly bad interviewing experience. And reasons I think all should avoid the company The Qwik Group.
The Lenovo Yoga's rather friendly looking firmware screen. Visual and mouse based, with optional keyboard controls.

A Journey Through Some Rough Lenovo Firmware

How I diagnosed a bad NVMe drive on a laptop over several hours.,

I recently had the displeasure of working on a Lenovo Yoga C740 which had stopped booting into its operating system (Linux Mint). What should have taken 30 minutes, ended up taking me probably around 8 hours.
Face with fedora and tinted shades, with various bits of floating text, likely html.

Confidentiality in the Digital Age

A primer on message and file encryption, using common, open, and secure standards.,

This post is going to focus on teaching the basic functionality for the "GPG" software, specifically how to; encrypt, decrypt, sign, and verify text/files. But first, why? I have two motivations for writing this. The first is just a general desire to share some cool knowledge I have with other tech people that may be interested, but the second is due to feeling more and more like the time and place in which I live requires such knowledge to continue living a safe and peaceable life. While I won't elaborate on that second point, it is my primary motivation behind sharing this knowledge.
1 Timothy

On Homosexuality and God's Word

A response to the mistranslation argument.,

A particular verse of the Bible, which many quote when talking about homosexuality, is often refuted by claiming it is a mistranslation not present in other versions of scripture. Here I will explain why that is an ignorant response, and does not justify homosexuality.
A stupid picture I took with my phone cause I couldn't think of anything better.

Happy Birthday, Me...

This last year has been...,

A wild ride to say the least. COVID contributed to that, though it wasn't the only thing, that's for sure.

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