Compressed Thoughts

A blog by Matthew Rease

older ball mouse on a mousepad

Why Are Mousepads Still Useful?

If you're looking at the title, and wondering if I've gone crazy, trust me I'm going somewhere with this!,

In this day and age, I was surprised that they still made mousepads. Long gone are the days of ball mice, and keeping the spinning bits clean. But there is still a surprisingly good reason to use them, even today... but why?

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coronavirus image that definitely wasn't just the first image search result :)

Coronavirus am I right?

Ha, what kind of idiot would start a blog, then go over a month without posting... heh... yeah what kind?,

Oh I guess I did that didn't I... On one hand, nothing ever really came up in my mind that made me go, hey this would make a good post! But on the other hand, I did kinda forget most of the time. If that makes you angry you won't like my excuse for making this post...

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a cluttered attic with cardboard boxes, among other things

The Attic of Unfinished Projects

It makes me kinda sad to think about all of the projects I've started that are "on the backburner", "unfinished", or otherwise in some form of purgatory.,

It's quite easy to begin a new project, it's like making a sandwich for some people, starting projects everyday. I haven't even been an "adult" for a full year, yet I already have many unfinished projects.

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person doing calculus homework


Obviously homework sucks, but why is it so hard to do?,

I think I can count all the times I did homework in high school, on one hand. It usually didn't affect me, though it certainly wasn't to my advantage...

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someone writing a paper on a macbook

Content From Other Authors

This blog may see an increase in content soon, so I'm here to explain why.,

First and foremost, this is my blog. It has my namesake all over it, and I want it to be very clear that I endorse the content that is here. However, to allow for more content, and to give some friends a platform, I'm going to be allowing other people to create posts here. Please continue reading:

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